I believe it was Einstein who said that imagination is more important than knowledge. Never before have I ever felt this to be truer. Dajan is an artistic genius. We met him our first day at the FIMRC clinic, and he greeted us with open arms and great enthusiasm. He is the clinic assistant, and with his charming gregariousness, I can definitely understand the reason why the patients love him so. And we learned to love him too. Without him, we could not have constructed the skit that we did on Wednesday. The theme we decided on was "Personal Goals." We cut out paper stars out of the construction paper that we brought, as well as costumes. The gist was that the children at the soup kitchen in Alajuelita were to write down their dreams for the future on these stars. We also did the same, and acted out the part of different professions, including a ballerina, veterinarian, marine biologist, and carpenter, and more.

We were prepared to do the skit in front of 60 kids, however, when we arrived, we discovered it was free ice cream day, and so over 100 kids were eagerly awaiting. However, with the help of Dajan and Dr. Stedem, we pulled it off without a hitch. We did an enormous amount with very little supplies. And the kids seemed very happy with their stars.


wonderful experience and great adaptation on your part to adjust to the need!

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