Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Aid Training

Short and sweet post.  3 videos + bonus footage.

Thursday, we have first aid session #2: CPR.


Wow, These videos made my day! I´ve laughed so hard with most of them, but my favorite ones were "Josh wakes up" and "Alan deets up..." :) Seems like the 1st Aid training went well ;) Miss you guys!

The Josh wakes up was not funny. The Deet was funny.

You all are so cute, especially you Alan! I love watching the videos, they are so funny. Josh, it was pretty funny when they woke you up! LOL. Continue to have fun and take care of eachother! You are all doing such a great job.

Even thousands of miles away, you still entertain the fam, Josh.

I would like a Deet/bug bite update please.

I would certainly like to be able to see this, but it doesn't show up on my 'puter

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