Friday, February 5, 2010

Last Days in Nicaragua

I'm typing this up as I eat my last dinner in Nicaragua.  Hard to believe 3 weeks have already passed and tomorrow we're going to pack up our belongings and take a bus down to Costa Rica.

Our stay hasn't been short on interesting people.  We had the pleasure of meeting one of them yesterday, a local natural medicine practitioner.

We even had her take a look at us for the full immersive experience. It was very interesting, to say the least.

Today was bittersweet.We said goodbye to the great people at the Roberto Clemente clinic, where we did most of our work.
We visited the place next door and saw that the water tower frame has been completed.
We also dropped off our donations to various clinics.
Patient charts at Guastcoto
Patient charts organized using a donated cabinet in Las Salinas.

We then took our last Spanish class in Nicaragua.  We must have gone through at least a couple year's worth of high school Spanish right there.  I learned way more than translations to gun show ticket jokes and how to cool slang to make me the hippest guy on the block, really.

To end the day, we spent more time on the beach.  Costa Rica students coming to Nicaragua, make sure to visit the pink beach.  Also make time for the hotsprings.

We've all had an incredible time in Nicaragua.  I mean it.  The memories we made here are unforgettable.  We met amazing people.  We visited patients in their homes, saw them in the clinic, and even saw some incredible surgeries.  We were there in the community working with the people and making a real difference.  This is why the LMUV program is so special. 

Costa Rica, here we come.


You´re such a great example of what team work means...great job guys! Time to pack and move on towards a new opportunity to make a difference in Costa Rica... Cheers!!!

Is that woman a curandera? What was the report from her on all of you?

Wow! you make MSU CHM so proud! What excellent work you have done during the last 3 weeks. You all are what makes the program a success!

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